Monday, 19 November 2012

and a guava tree (for all my Riatsamthiah friends, though none of you read or care for poetry)

'yes, this is it,' he said, 'I'm sure of it
this is the spot where Helu fell.
right here, not this concrete

 back then, it was grass and dirt

and plants and a guava tree
stretching out like neverland

from that big,red gate there
to beyond that grey wall, into that old,crumbling house

where that crazy woman would stare at our play
say nothing, just look at us with those bright, glistening eyes

 it seemed bigger then, when we ran from end to end

  catch our breath and run again

 the girls would tease him for being afraid

  the guava tree was slippery see,

  and heights made him uncomfortable

  but being called a girl was enough

  he climbed and slipped and broke his arm

  how our parents scolded us and we couldn't stop laughing

  they chopped down the tree after that

 along with the sweet fruits that we ate till our stomachs ached

  yes, I'm sure of it, right here, this very spot'

 mumbling he sank to the cement floor,

 'get up you sobbing fool, you're drunk' they said,

 snickering behind him,

this will be a great story for another drunken day they thought

 he struggled with his feet

 and his tears

searching for the spot where Helu fell.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Your Hands

Your hands
They let go.
they caressed
and cradled 
they let go.

They moved 
to gesture 
the deepest love
to subside 
the darkest fears

They bear lines 
and marks 
of all your years 
stay empty 
for more.

they held 
and embraced 
they let go.

Unlike you
They let go.