Friday, 7 September 2012

An Allen Solly Jacket

She wants an Allen Solly jacket. 
Sixteen grand of hard currency 
For brand and taxes. 
So who cares if the world's economy is going to pot, 
Or children in Africa are dying of thirst, 
Or at home,slum kids, though famous in film, 
are still picking through garbage for the days meal, 
Or that the five malnourished daughters of my neighbour, 
skillfully divide an egg into five equal parts 
While he coaxes and charms his wife everynight still for a sipaihi? 
Who am I to question the flimsy cover of the apparell, 
Or what those on TV dictate what we should and should not wear? 
I duly put on my blinders 
And turn as the reins are pulled. 
All is right with the world. 
She has her Allen Solly jacket.


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