Friday, 7 September 2012

My Little Love Ditty

So you say that poetry is useless,
That literature serves only those whom it interest,
That in the function of life,
It is hair-spray to a bald man.
I will not defend it,
Not raise a word to change
That which you choose to believe.
It will not cure cancer,
Defend the helpless,
Stop the machines of greed.
It will not soothe blistered feet
Running all day,
Tired eyes searching
For one more way,
One more clause,
One more bend,
One more.
It only hurts your head,
With long winded metaphors,
Words that challenge you
To decipher what they may not mean.
It will rage and convulse,
Cry in it's corner,
Forever dying.
But when the evening sun
Caresses these cherry trees,
Faint smells of home
Smoke up from every house,
Lazy stars tossing about
Unnumbered wishes
I am reminded
Of the gentle slant of your hips, 
The softness of your lips,
Eyes that haunt me for days,
And I forget,
Cancer, greed,
The world.
Only silent music, 
Like elation,
Like discovery,
So useless,
Hair-spray to a bald man.

1 comment:

  1. U Mamawii Khiangte30 January 2013 at 10:09

    Sweeeet! Love the uselessness of hair spray for a bald head! You're a bit resigned to fate in this poem - less passion - must've been your mood at the time of your composition! Yet another facet of you :)
