Friday, 7 September 2012


Let me take a moment or two 
To get the scene in. 

Rowina's fingers rest upon the keys 
Of a broken-down piano. 
The silence lingers in the room 
The aftermath of a show. 
She says,''I can't think of a single song, 
From the thousands that i know.'' 
''Maybe I've been here too long,'' she wonders, 
''Maybe its time to go.'' 

Rode the cadences of a melody, 
Running to its crecendo. 
Now that the song is over, 
Where do we go? 

The sun is setting upon, 
Another hollow afternoon. 
Watch the ghost and shadows emerge, 
In the light of a silver moon. 
Dancing along to the sounds, 
Of an old forgotten tune, 
Slowly to the dawn the days 
That are gone too soon. 

Now the fall is here again, 
A year has been done. 
In the chill of a coming winter, 
Where have you gone? 

She hums a little of what she recalls 
From an old remembered sound. 
Fingers playing notes in the air, 
Stands behind Counter 13- 'Lost and Found.' 
In the midst of memories and regrets, 
And august leaves swirling round. 
Puts a hand over her eyes and swears, 
This time it won't bring her down. 

The trees are always green, 
The sky is always blue. 
In the end,each is in its place, 
Where are you? 

Let me take a moment or two, 
To get the scene out.


  1. Singing the song :) Beautiful!! The poem, not my voice :p

    1. Heh... the original singer wasn't any better. :) thanks.
