Friday, 7 September 2012

And Poetry Has No Meaning

and poetry has no meaning. 
I feel. 
I try to comunicate. 
I invariably use words. 
Words with the intensity 
Of a mountain on fire. 
Wrenches up emotions 
From the core of my being. 
Words that are cradled by hopes and beliefs, 
Reeling and stumbling to mean 
More than just what they say. 
Words that speak of 
Of things that do not sleep, 
Or rest, 
Or die. 
Words that drive a man 
To his knees and scream 
The name of God in a failing voice. 
Words surrounded by an entire universe 
Of other words. 
When i speak them to you, 
They become just words. 
Just words. 
I fall apart, 
and poetry has no meaning.


  1. Love the echo of And death shall have no dominion in the opening line. And I love this poem. It sort of rises and falls and reminds me in a way of a violent episode of deep, heart wrenching weeping which flatlines out at the end. Like the calm after the storm passes.

    1. Thank you...didn't know that anyone knew about my blog yet. Heh. Still getting the hang of it.

  2. U Mamawii Khiangte30 January 2013 at 10:04

    In one word - "helplessness" - yes, one can be this helpless!I love it's sad desperate note :)
