Friday, 7 September 2012


I cannot place it in terms of the bigger picture
but it's somewhere south of where i am;here,
a place that is built on some great mercy of Providence
with houses teethering on cliffs.
We are known for our dance that hav bamboos snapping at ankles,
as our young men and women, dressed in traditions best,hop in and out.
The essence of this dance is the understanding of rythm and balance,
where one wrong movement would lead to_disaster.
This dry and dusty place boasts of small towns and big houses,
with comprehensive differences in warmth and sizes.
Out of these,the hopes of future generations,
hardly able to walk with pants worn at knees,
and shoes that can feed a family for months.
(but what is food compared to the latest fashion)
Subbing identity for brands,a living,breathing advertisment.
and in their coolest,hippiest ignorance,
sing along to an apt tune
"Pretty fly for a white guy"
(O well,you know he doesn't really get it anyway)
We also have our share of democracy's champions;the politicians,
 who in years of election give huge contributions to charity and churches.
(for votes mind you.....keep your salvation)
Then the righteous elders that go home to ignored wives and children,
and illegitimate grandchildren,
that sit around a table for a perfect family portrait,and pray,
to a God that does not live within them.
we also have our revivals,as the crowds go,
in throngs,to see the magic show.
The deaf hear,the dumb speak,the children see,
visions of angels and Christ;slowly,
convincing ourselves of strengh in our shaky faith.
Multitudes would bow in awe at the spectacle
           if in a single raindrop
           or a humming insect
           you do not see the miracle
           then you do not see God.
A word of praise for our ingenuity,
we do not have liquor here,but we find inventive ways to get high,
off household appliances and medicines.
Mean those meant to fix meant for a fix.
And Jim,poor Jim.
He's hanging on a shoestring.
The diluted blood in his veins ran cold.
His relief from pain became his pain.
And in the songs of mourning and accompanying drums,
mother would cry,"'s my fault!"
Silent father would whisper,"'s my fault."
In the corner of each isolated spot,they would discover
regain the rythm to the dance,
but Jim,poor Jim,
He is dead.


  1. My other 'favorite' :) Sheesh do they still count as favorites when they're more than one? :p

    1. Hahaha...I don't know but I'm not complaining :). Ya, I have like a thousand favourite poems too which include yours. And yes ''Thank you.''

  2. If people want to know us and we decide to tell them the truth then, in this piece, you have written what they should know. And so beautifully.

    However, we will, as we have always done, live in denial, argue that this is one sided, or best yet, in our "coolest, hippest ignorance" not get this at all. Yet, you must keep writing, you must keep addressing the truth, you must keep addressing beauty.

    1. I'm so glad that you found a way to post your comments. I had no clue why you couldn't earlier. Thank you for the nice review and yes I will keep addressing beauty.

  3. Finally! The much anticipated blog! I thought this was my favourite among your poems, but looking thru the collection, I find I'm unable to pinpoint a fave. Have you heard of Rilo Kiley's "A man/me/then Jim"? Also contained a little verse about a guy called Jim who committed also hung himself with string. First time I read this was when I was really into that song. If you have heard of the song, way to be inspired, if you haven't, wow, amazing coincidence! :D
    Also, is your "Cheers Darlin'" inspired by Damien Rice's song of the same name? If no again, wow man! :D

    1. Thanks ku2. Ya, still learning how to fine tune it. Like Baruk repeatedly mentions, I was quite the technophobe. Jim is a neighbour who hung himself with a shoestring. So yes, amazing coincidence. Cheers Darlin was, however, inspired by the song and you might be interested to know that you played a part in it. You once shared the link to the song on FB. I fell in love with the title and though it was apt for the poem I had just written. I have never listened to the song tho :). Hope you don't hate me for using the title. It also has a last line that I didn't include finally.
      'Cheers Darlin
      another year, another reason
      to let it all go.'

  4. U Mamawii Khiangte30 January 2013 at 09:55

    Sanga, what can i say - except that I'm overwhelmed - I love the refrain of bamboos - and the satirical twists and turns woven into the Mizo community which you depicted so well - Thumbs UP!
